JotBot: Your AI-Powered Note Taker

Take notes, ideate, and edit your documents with JotBot AI

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Here's how it works

This is how JotBot will help you write and research 100 times faster.

Video to Notes

Turn your lecture recordings into time-stamped detailed notes, that you can use to study, or generate text.

Automatic Notes, in Real Time.

Have JotBot listen in on a lecture, meeting, or conversation to generate transcripts and descriptive notes, as they happen.

JotBot Writes Like You

JotBot AI utilizes state-of-the-art machine learning and Language Style Matching (LSM) to analyze and recreate your writing. It understands your writing style, tone, sentence structure, and preferences to write like you.

Add and Cite Sources

JotBot can read text, understand documents, and even scrape websites for information to incorporate into its writing, all while seamlessly citing sources in any format.

Transform your videos into notes with JotBot's AI Note Taker. Upload videos, paste YouTube links, or record directly for instant note-taking.