An Easy Student Guide To Find Credible Sources For Research

Declan Gessel

May 18, 2024

When conducting research, ensuring that you are using credible sources is essential. By applying the CRAAP test, you can evaluate whether a source is reliable and trustworthy. Credible sources provide evidence to support your arguments and help to establish your credibility as a researcher. In this guide, we explore how to identify credible sources and use the CRAAP test to evaluate the sources you find. Let's dive in!

Table Of Content

What Is A Research Paper?

In academics, a research paper is a formal document that presents a focused investigation into a specific subject area. It offers an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in Independent Research, Critical Analysis, and Argument Development.

Independent Research

When working on a research paper, you will actively source information on your designated topic, utilizing various reliable sources. Credible sources for research encompass scholarly journals, reputable academic books, and trustworthy websites that support your arguments.

Critical Analysis

Gathered information requires thorough evaluation to differentiate factual data from subjective opinions and potential biases. To bolster the credibility of your research paper, you must critically analyze sources and ascertain their relevance to your investigation.

Argument Development

In constructing a research paper, you will formulate a central thesis statement and leverage evidence from your research to substantiate your claims. Your arguments in your research paper should be grounded in credible sources to validate their validity.

Targeted Inquiry

A research paper delves deeper into a particular area of knowledge than a general essay, necessitating a more comprehensive investigation. The focus is on in-depth exploration, analysis, and interpretation of the subject matter based on credible sources for research.

Evidence-Based Approach

Credible sources form the foundation of a research paper. These include scholarly journals, reputable academic books, and trustworthy websites that support your arguments. Relying on evidence from these sources ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in your research paper.

Formal Tone

A research paper's writing style should be professional and objective, avoiding informal language or personal perspectives. The formal tone conveys authority and expertise in discussing the research topic, enhancing the paper's credibility.

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Types Of Sources

Finding reliable information is essential for building a strong research paper. This section will guide you through the different source options available and help you identify those that solidify your arguments:

Scholarly Sources

Scholarly sources are considered the most reliable for research papers. They are produced by experts who undergo a rigorous peer-review process before publication. Examples of scholarly sources include scholarly journals, academic books, and edited collections.

Credible Websites

The internet offers a wealth of information, but some websites are more trustworthy than others. When looking for credible websites, prioritize those affiliated with reputable institutions, government agencies, or professional organizations. Credibility indicators include author credentials, clear source identification, current information, and a bibliography for further exploration.

News Articles and Magazines

While news articles and magazines can provide valuable context on current events and popular opinion, it's crucial to use these sources cautiously and rely on scholarly sources for your main arguments.

Non-Academic Books

Some non-academic books aren't peer-reviewed, but they offer valuable insights. Evaluate these books based on author expertise, publication date, and the presence of references.

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Understanding Source Classification

Primary Sources

Primary sources are the backbone of research as they deliver firsthand accounts and direct evidence relevant to your research topic. They offer an insight into the past through historical documents, present-day observations through scientific data, or creative expression through literary works. 

These sources are created at the time of the event or during the period under study, presenting firsthand accounts or observations that may require critical evaluation to verify accuracy and bias. 

Examples of primary sources include empirical or statistical data from experiments or surveys, historical documents like letters, diaries, speeches, or government records, creative works like poems, novels, plays, or artwork from the period being researched, and interviews, recordings, or photographs directly related to your topic.

Secondary Sources 

Secondary sources scrutinize, describe, or interpret primary sources, offering valuable background information, insights, and scholarly perspectives on the research topic. They are a great starting point for research, providing a broader context but are one step removed from the original information. 

These sources analyze, describe, or interpret primary sources, offering scholarly perspectives and interpretations, and providing summaries, overviews, or critical analyses of primary sources. 

Examples of secondary sources encompass scholarly books and articles in academic journals, textbooks (use with caution as they might rely heavily on secondary sources), documentaries, and films based on historical events or scientific concepts (evaluate their use of primary sources), and critical essays or analyses of literary works or historical events.

Tertiary Sources

Tertiary sources summarize or compile information from primary and secondary sources, offering a starting point for research or a general overview of a topic while not providing in-depth analysis or critical perspectives. 

Examples of tertiary sources include encyclopedias and dictionaries, almanacs and yearbooks, bibliographies and indexes, and online summaries or websites (evaluate their source materials carefully).

How to Find Credible Sources For Research: A 6-Step Guide

1. Sharpen Your Research Topic

Before diving into the vast sea of research materials, the key is to have a clear focus. This will guide your search and keep you on track, ensuring you don't get tangled in irrelevant sources.

2. Use Your Library Resources

Libraries are a goldmine of credible sources. Don't hesitate to contact the librarians, who are experts in navigating the plethora of databases and online resources available. For scholarly articles and papers, utilize critical databases like EBSCOhost, JSTOR, and ProQuest.

3. Seek Scholarly Sources

Scholarly sources are top-tier when it comes to research papers. Look for peer-reviewed journals, academic books, and edited collections. These sources undergo rigorous evaluations by experts in the field and contribute significantly to existing knowledge.

4. Evaluate Credible Websites

While the Internet offers a wealth of information, not all sources are created equal. Prefer websites affiliated with reputable institutions such as .gov, .edu, and .org. These sources are more likely to provide accurate and reliable information.

5. Investigate the Source Itself

Evaluating a source's credibility is crucial before including it in your research. Look at the author's credentials, publication date, objectivity, and references provided. This step ensures that the information you're using is current, relevant, and accurate.

6. Utilize Citation Management Tools

Keeping track of multiple sources can be challenging. Citation management tools like Mendeley and Zotero can help you organize your research materials, manage citations, and generate bibliographies in different styles. This makes the writing process smoother and more efficient.

FAQ on An Easy Student Guide To Find Credible Sources For Research

Can I use ediaWikip as a source for my research paper?

Wikipedia is a popular online resource that many people turn to for information. It can be a great starting point for your research, but citing it in academic papers is generally not good. Why? Because, anyone can edit Wikipedia, so there's no guarantee that the information is always accurate. 

That's why Wikipedia is considered a less credible source for research papers that require substantiation of information through credible sources. However, using Wikipedia to get an overview of a topic or identify keywords or phrases related to your research can be beneficial. 

You can use the references at the bottom of Wikipedia articles to find more reliable sources to explore for your research. So, while Wikipedia can be a helpful resource for getting started, it's better to stick to credible sources for your research paper.

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How many sources do I need for my research paper?

The number of sources you need will depend on the length and complexity of your paper and your instructor's specific requirements. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for a variety of sources, with a focus on scholarly sources like academic journals and books.

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What if I find a source that seems credible but doesn't have a precise publication date?

Be cautious about using sources without publication dates. Up-to-date information is crucial for many research topics, and a missing publication date can make it difficult to assess the source's accuracy and relevance. If you can't find the publication date for a source, it's best to err on the side of caution and find a more reliable source.

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