24 Timeless Tips On How To Make An Essay Better & Free Tool

Declan Gessel

Mar 26, 2024

man sitting on rooftop - How To Make An Essay Better
man sitting on rooftop - How To Make An Essay Better

Crafting an impressive essay can be a daunting task—whether it’s for school, work, or a personal project. How to make an essay better can be a significant challenge, as it requires a delicate balance of creativity, research, and critical thinking. Many individuals often struggle with the correct format, tone, and content of their essays. Fortunately, we’ve compiled a guide that offers actionable tips and strategies to enhance your essays' quality. Keep reading to find out good ways to start an essay.

Table of Contents

What Makes A Great Essay?

person working on essay - How To Make An Essay Better

When crafting an essay, it is crucial to ensure that it has a coherent structure and a logical flow of ideas. An essay should consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction serves as a guide for the essay, giving the reader a glimpse of what to expect and a strong thesis statement to grasp the main argument. Each paragraph in the body should have a clear topic sentence that relates back to the thesis. 

Transitions should be used to ensure smooth connections between ideas and paragraphs. The conclusion should tie up the main arguments presented in the essay and offer food for thought to the reader. By organizing the essay in this manner, you make it easier for readers to follow your thoughts and understand your argument.

Development and Support

An excellent essay should be thoroughly developed and supported by relevant examples, details, and evidence. Each argument should be explained and analyzed comprehensively to make it easier for readers to understand. 

Sources need to be properly cited to support all claims made in the essay. By doing so, you show the reader that you've done your homework and you're not just making unsubstantiated claims.

Style and Mechanics

A well-written essay should be clear, concise, and entirely free of grammatical or spelling errors. The tone of the essay should be formal and academic, avoiding informal language that detracts from the seriousness of the discussion. 

Varying sentence structure and word choice can help keep readers engaged throughout the text. Also, following the appropriate style guide for formatting, such as MLA or APA, can ensure that your essay looks professional and trustworthy. 

Creativity and Originality

A great essay will offer a distinctive perspective or interpretation of the topic at hand. It is essential for the writer's voice and ideas to be heard, adding value to the analysis. Including literary devices or creative techniques can help engage the reader and make the essay more memorable. By incorporating creativity and originality into your essay, you can distinguish it from the countless other essays on the same subject.

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24 Timeless Tips On How To Make An Essay Better

woman on sofa working hard - How To Make An Essay Better

1. Strong Introduction

To make an essay better, always start with a strong introduction. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, provide necessary background information, and clearly state the main argument or thesis of the essay. A strong introduction sets the tone for the rest of the essay and helps the reader understand the purpose of the paper.

2. Clear Thesis Statement

It’s important to have a clear thesis statement that concisely states the main argument of the essay. The thesis statement should be specific, focused, and debatable to guide the reader through the rest of the essay. A strong thesis statement can help make an essay better by providing a roadmap for the reader.

3. Well-Structured Body Paragraphs

Always organize essays into well-structured body paragraphs that each focus on a single idea. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph. Support each point with evidence, examples, and analysis to make the argument clearer and more compelling.

4. Smooth Transitions

Always make sure my essay has smooth transitions between paragraphs and sentences. Transition words and phrases help link ideas and show how they relate to one another. This makes the essay easier to read and understand, improving its overall quality.

5. Varied Sentence Structure

Try to vary sentence structure to make essays more engaging and interesting. Using a mix of short, medium, and long sentences can help improve the flow of the essay and keep the reader's attention.

6. Active Voice

Use the active voice in essays because it makes sentences more direct and engaging. The active voice focuses on the subject performing the action, which can help make the essay clearer and more concise.

7. Concise Language

Aim to use concise language in my essays to make them more effective. Try to avoid unnecessary words and phrases that clutter the text and detract from the main argument. Clear and concise language helps the reader follow the essay's point more easily.

8. Strong Conclusion

A strong conclusion is essential for making an essay better. The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay, restate the thesis, and leave the reader with a final thought. A well-written conclusion provides closure and reinforces the argument of the essay.

9. Proofreading

Always proofread essays to check for any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Proofreading helps catch mistakes that can distract the reader and detract from the quality of the essay. It's essential to take the time to proofread carefully to ensure a polished final draft.

10. Avoiding Wordiness

Avoid wordiness in essays by choosing precise language and cutting unnecessary words. Wordy sentences can make an essay harder to read and understand. By eliminating redundancies and unnecessary phrases, essays are clearer and more effective.

11. Use of Strong Verbs

Use strong verbs in essays to make the writing more dynamic and engaging. Strong verbs convey action and help paint a vivid picture for the reader. By choosing powerful verbs, essays are more compelling and improve their overall quality.

12. Supporting Evidence

Always include supporting evidence in essays to back up claims and arguments. Evidence can come from research, examples, personal experiences, or other sources. By providing evidence, essays are more persuasive and credible.

13. Consistent Tone

Maintain a consistent tone throughout essays to create a unified and coherent piece of writing. The tone should match the purpose and audience of the essay. By keeping a consistent tone, can make essays more effective and engaging.

14. Avoiding Clichés

Try to avoid clichés in essays to make them more original and interesting. Clichés can make writing seem stale and unoriginal. By using fresh language and avoiding overused phrases, can make essays stand out and be more memorable.

15. Use of Imagery

Use imagery in essays to create vivid descriptions and bring the writing to life. Imagery engages the reader's senses and helps them connect with the text on a deeper level. By incorporating imagery, essays are more engaging and effective.

16. Engaging Title

An engaging title can draw in readers and make an essay more appealing. The title should be catchy, descriptive, and relevant to the essay's content. By choosing a strong title, it can make essays more attractive and encourage readers to continue reading.

17. Proper Citation

Always cite sources properly in essays to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism. Proper citation is essential for academic integrity and helps readers find the original sources of information. By citing sources correctly, this can make essays more credible and trustworthy.

18. Active Engagement

Engaging with the reader can make an essay more interesting and effective. Try to involve the reader by asking questions, addressing them directly, or using anecdotes. By actively engaging with the reader, this can make essays more relatable and compelling.

19. Balanced Argument

A balanced argument presents both sides of an issue fairly and objectively. Strive to consider different perspectives and provide a balanced argument in essays. By acknowledging opposing views and presenting a balanced argument, essays are more nuanced and persuasive.

20. Use of Examples

Use examples in essays to illustrate points and make the writing more concrete. Examples help clarify abstract concepts and make arguments more persuasive. By including relevant examples, this makes essays more engaging and effective.

21. Personal Voice

Use a personal voice in my essays to connect with the reader and make the writing more relatable. A personal voice can help convey my unique perspective and make the essay more engaging. By using a personal voice, essays are more memorable and effective.

22. Revision

Revision is an essential part of the writing process that can help make an essay better. Always revise essays to refine the argument, improve clarity, and enhance the overall quality of the writing. Revision allows to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to strengthen the essay.

23. Peer Feedback

Getting feedback from peers can help make an essay better. Seek input from others to gain new perspectives, identify blind spots, and improve the writing. Peer feedback can uncover strengths and weaknesses in the essay, providing valuable insights for revision and improvement.

24. Professional Editing

Professional editing can help make an essay better by providing feedback and suggestions for improvement. Work with editors to refine essays, address any issues, and ensure the writing is polished and professional. Professional editing can help elevate the quality of the essay and make it more effective.

How To Improve The Clarity and Coherence of Your Essay

person making notes - How To Make An Essay Better

To enhance clarity in an essay, one must ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single main idea. A clear topic sentence should introduce the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that back it up. Clear transitions between paragraphs are crucial to maintaining coherence. An essay should also have a logical structure, starting with an engaging introduction and ending with a satisfying conclusion. 

How to Improve Coherence in an Essay

To create coherence in an essay, one must use transitions between sentences and paragraphs. These transitions guide the reader through the essay, providing a clear path from one idea to the next. Each paragraph should naturally flow into the next, creating a seamless reading experience. The essay should also have a consistent tone and style throughout. Utilizing the active voice and straightforward language can help in maintaining coherence

How to Write a Better Conclusion

A strong conclusion should summarize the main points without introducing new information. It should also reiterate the thesis statement in a fresh way, leaving the reader with a strong final impression. In addition to summarizing the content, a good conclusion should also reflect on the broader significance of the ideas presented in the essay. 

How to Make Your Essay More Engaging

To engage the reader, one should aim to hook them in the introduction with a compelling opening sentence. The essay should maintain a consistent tone and style, with the writer's voice shining through. Using descriptive language and varied sentence structures can also make the essay more interesting to read. Including relevant examples and anecdotes can further bring the content to life for the reader. 

How to Use Jotbot for Improved Writing

Jotbot is an AI-powered document assistant that can help writers improve their essays. Jotbot can create AI outlines for essays, write entire essays, take notes, summarize videos, and find citations. By utilizing Jotbot, writers can streamline their writing process and create higher-quality essays in less time.

Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

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How To Strengthen Your Thesis Statement

man working hard - How To Make An Essay Better

Using relevant keywords, establishing a clear and concise viewpoint, and making the thesis statement arguable are three achievable methods to elevate the effectiveness of a thesis statement. To fortify the thesis statement, a writer should also ensure unity between the thesis statement and the rest of the essay.

Crafting a thesis statement

Create a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument of the essay. Use specific and concrete language to ensure the thesis is arguable and avoid vague or general statements.

Using relevant keywords

By including specific keywords both in the thesis statement and throughout the essay, you make your argument clearer and more persuasive. Keywords help contextualize the thesis statement and tie the argument together.

Establishing a clear and concise viewpoint

A strong thesis statement is one that clearly establishes a viewpoint or argument. A well-defined thesis statement will help guide the reader through the essay.

Making the thesis statement arguable

An effective thesis statement should be phrased as an arguable statement. It should take a stance on a particular issue and invite a debate or discussion.

Ensuring unity

A thesis statement should work in tandem with the rest of the essay. The points made in the body of the text should support the thesis statement, and the thesis statement should reflect the main argument of the essay.

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Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Jotbot is your personal document assistant. Jotbot does AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, AI citation/source finder, it writes AI outlines for essays, and even writes entire essays with Jotbot’s AI essay writer. Join 500,000+ writers, students, teams, and researchers around the world to write more, write better, and write faster with Jotbot.

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The Importance of Using Evidence and Examples To Create A Compelling Essay

The backbone of any good essay is evidence and examples. No matter how compelling your argument might be, without concrete evidence to back it up, it won't hold water. Facts, statistics, opinions, and anecdotes help to provide context and support for your main points. They lend credibility to your opinions and reinforce the strength of your argument. 

The Importance of Evidence and Examples in Essay Writing

Evidence also helps to build a logical and coherent structure that guides the reader through your essay. By presenting your points clearly and backing them up with examples, you make it easier for your audience to understand and connect with your ideas. 

An essay without evidence and examples is like a ship adrift at sea, with no map or compass to guide it. Writing without evidence is akin to building a house without a foundation — it's bound to crumble under pressure.

Using Evidence to Strengthen Your Argument

Including evidence and examples in your essay is essential to persuade the reader of the validity of your argument. They act as the pillars that hold up your thesis statement and help you make your case. In fact, the more evidence you provide, the stronger your essay will be. 

This is because evidence can help you to illustrate your points and show the reader why your argument is valid. When used correctly, evidence and examples can help to engage the reader, make your essay more compelling, and persuade them to see your point of view. 

Enhancing Your Essay with Compelling Evidence and Examples

Evidence and examples are the lifeblood of any good essay. They are what make your argument come alive and help you persuade your reader. Don't skimp on the evidence and examples in your writing. The more you include, the better your essay will be.

Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

How To Enhance Overall Flow Throughout Your Essay

man enhacing essay flow - How To Make An Essay Better

Employing the use of transition words and phrases is a simple yet effective way to ensure the smooth flow and coherence of an essay. Words such as 'furthermore,' 'however,' 'in addition,' and 'on the other hand' help to guide the reader through the essay's different sections, improving the overall readability and comprehension of the text. The use of transitional words and phrases is a fundamental strategy in making an essay better.

Parallel Structure

Another method to improve the flow and transitions in an essay is by using parallel structure. This means structuring sentences in a similar manner to make the text flow more smoothly. 

Parallel structure ensures that ideas are presented in a consistent way, making it easier for readers to follow the progression of the essay. By maintaining consistency in sentence structure, readers can seamlessly move from one point to the next, creating a cohesive and coherent essay.

Repetition of Key Terms and Ideas

Repetition of key terms and ideas can also aid in improving the overall flow and transitions within an essay. Repeating key concepts throughout the essay reinforces their importance and helps the reader connect different sections of the text. By establishing continuity through repetition, writers can guide readers through their arguments and ideas more effectively, resulting in a clearer, more coherent essay.

Closing the Loop

Another strategy to enhance the flow and transitions in an essay is by 'closing the loop.' This means revisiting key terms, ideas, or arguments mentioned earlier in the text to provide a sense of closure or completeness. By referring back to earlier points in the essay and demonstrating how they relate to the current discussion, writers can create a sense of continuity and coherence, helping to tie the entire essay together.

Using Jotbot to Make Writing Easier

Sometimes, even with all the strategies in place, writing an essay can still be a challenge. With Jotbot, you can make the writing process easier and more efficient. Jotbot is your personal document assistant. Jotbot does AI note taking, AI video summarizing, AI citation/source finder, it writes AI outlines for essays, and even writes entire essays with Jotbot’s AI essay writer. Join 500,000+ writers, students, teams, and researchers around the world to write more, write better, and write faster with Jotbot.

Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

Write Smarter With Jotbot — Start Writing for Free Today

Jotbot is a remarkable tool that has revolutionized the way we approach writing essays. Jotbot offers a plethora of features such as AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, AI citation/source finder, AI outlines for essays, and even a feature that writes entire essays! Whether you’re a writer, student, team, or researcher, Jotbot is the ultimate companion that helps you write smarter, better, and faster. All it takes is a quick sign-in with Google, and you’re on your way to becoming a more efficient writer.

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