19 Tips On How To Shorten An Essay & Free AI Essay Shortener

Declan Gessel

Mar 15, 2024

student working hard - How To Shorten An Essay
student working hard - How To Shorten An Essay

Struggling with a lengthy essay that needs trimming down? Learn valuable techniques on how to shorten an essay without losing substance or impact. Discover good ways to start an essay and efficiently condense your writing while maintaining clarity and coherence. By following these practical tips, you'll be able to streamline your work, meet word count requirements, and enhance the overall quality of your writing. Dive in and master the skill of concise and effective writing!

Table of Contents

19 Tips On How To Shorten An Essay

person editing his assignment - How To Shorten An Essay

1. Understand Your Assignment Requirements

Before you start shortening your essay, make sure you fully understand the requirements of your assignment. Focus on the key points that need to be covered to ensure you do not lose critical information in the editing process.

2. Eliminate Redundant Information

Identify and remove any redundant or repetitive information in your essay. Consolidate similar points and streamline your arguments to make your essay more concise.

3. Use Active Voice

Opt for active voice instead of passive voice. Active voice is more straightforward and helps to reduce word count by eliminating unnecessary words.

4. Avoid Wordy Phrases

Replace wordy phrases with concise alternatives. For example, instead of saying "at this point in time," you can simply say "now."

5. Cut Unnecessary Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs can often be eliminated without changing the meaning of your sentences. Focus on using strong nouns and verbs to convey your ideas effectively.

6. Combine Sentences

Look for opportunities to combine short, related sentences to reduce word count. This not only shortens your essay but also improves the flow of your writing.

7. Trim Down Introductions and Conclusions

Keep your introductions and conclusions concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary background information or long-winded summaries.

8. Use Contractions

Utilize contractions to shorten phrases without losing meaning. For example, "do not" can be shortened to "don't" and "cannot" to "can't."

9. Focus on the Main Ideas

Identify the main ideas and arguments in each paragraph. Remove any tangential points that do not directly support your thesis to streamline your essay.

10. Cut Out Filler Words

Eliminate filler words such as "very," "really," "quite," and "basically." These words add little value to your writing and can be removed to shorten your essay.

11. Check for Repetition

Ensure you are not repeating the same information or arguments multiple times throughout your essay. Remove any unnecessary repetition to reduce word count.

12. Use Bullet Points or Lists

Present information in a concise format by using bullet points or lists. This helps break up long paragraphs and makes your essay more reader-friendly.

13. Avoid Long Quotes

If you have included long quotes in your essay, consider paraphrasing them to shorten the overall length of your paper. Make sure to properly cite the source of the information.

14. Cut Down on Examples

While examples can strengthen your arguments, too many examples can make your essay lengthy. Choose only the most relevant and impactful examples to include.

15. Utilize Transitional Phrases

Use transitional phrases to connect ideas and paragraphs smoothly. This helps create a cohesive flow in your essay while also reducing the need for excess explanation.

16. Focus on Precision

Be precise and direct in your language. Avoid vague or ambiguous statements that require additional clarification, as this can lead to unnecessary length.

17. Revise and Edit

After implementing the above tips, revise your essay carefully. Edit for clarity, coherence, and conciseness to ensure your writing is both impactful and succinct.

18. Seek Feedback

Ask a peer, instructor, or tutor to review your shortened essay. External feedback can help identify areas where further trimming may be needed to improve the overall quality of your work.

19. Use Jotbot for AI Assistance

For additional help in shortening your essay efficiently, consider using Jotbot. Jotbot offers AI note-taking, video summarizing, citation/source finding, outline generation, and even essay writing services. Join over 500,000 writers, students, teams, and researchers worldwide to write more effectively with Jotbot. Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. 

Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

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The Importance of Focusing On Quality Over Quantity & Ace Your Essays

woman trying to shorten essay - How To Shorten An Essay

When it comes to writing essays, quality should always trump quantity. Focusing on delivering well-thought-out ideas and arguments will not only impress your professors but also ensure that your message is effectively communicated. By prioritizing quality over quantity, you demonstrate your critical thinking skills and attention to detail, which are essential in academic writing.

Mastering Essay Writing

To ace your essays, start by carefully analyzing the essay prompt and understanding what is expected of you. Take the time to brainstorm ideas, conduct thorough research, and create a solid outline before diving into the writing process. By having a clear roadmap of your essay, you can ensure that each paragraph serves a purpose and contributes to the overall coherence of your argument.

Crafting a Strong Argument

During the writing process, pay close attention to your language and structure. Use concise and precise language to convey your ideas efficiently. Avoid unnecessary fluff and filler content that adds little value to your argument. Instead, focus on providing concrete examples, supporting evidence, and logical reasoning to strengthen your points.

Perfecting Your Prose

Editing and revising are also crucial steps in the essay-writing process. Take the time to review your essay for clarity, coherence, and adherence to the essay prompt. Cut out any repetitive or irrelevant information that detracts from the overall quality of your work. By refining your essay through multiple rounds of editing, you can ensure that your final piece is polished and well-crafted.

Quality over Quantity

By prioritizing quality over quantity in your essays, you can stand out as a thoughtful and articulate writer. It's not about how many words you write, but how effectively you communicate your ideas. So, focus on crafting well-reasoned arguments and compelling narratives that showcase your academic prowess.

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Complete Guide On How To Write Great Essays

a golden pen - How To Shorten An Essay

Crafting concise introductions and thesis statements is key to setting the tone for your essay and providing a clear roadmap for your readers. Start with a hook to grab the reader's attention, provide necessary background information, and end with a strong thesis statement that outlines the main point of your essay.

Streamlining Your Arguments and Evidence

When developing your arguments, focus on quality over quantity. Choose the most compelling evidence to support each point you make and ensure that each piece of evidence directly relates to your thesis statement. Avoid going off on tangents or including unnecessary details that do not add value to your argument.

Tightening Your Paragraphs and Sentences

Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or argument and be structured logically. Ensure that your sentences are clear, concise, and free of unnecessary words. Avoid using filler phrases or repeating the same information in different ways. Use transition words to connect your ideas and guide your readers through your essay smoothly.

Eliminating Redundancy and Repetition

Review your essay for any redundant or repetitive information. Remove any unnecessary words, phrases, or sentences that do not add value to your overall argument. Ensure that each point you make is unique and contributes to the overall coherence of your essay.

Cutting Down on Wordiness and Fluff

Avoid using overly complex language or unnecessary jargon. Be concise and to the point, focusing on conveying your ideas clearly and effectively. Remove any unnecessary words or phrases that do not add substance to your argument. Stick to the main points and avoid going off on tangents.

Summarizing Your Key Points

At the end of your essay, summarize your key points and restate your thesis statement. Provide a brief conclusion that ties everything together and leaves a lasting impression on your readers. Keep your conclusion concise and impactful, reinforcing the main ideas you have presented throughout your essay.

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