How to Write an Essay Fast and Submit a Winner Every Time (26 Effortless Hacks for Slow Writers)

Declan Gessel

Mar 21, 2024

woman helping a friend - How To Write An Essay Fast
woman helping a friend - How To Write An Essay Fast

Want to learn some good ways to start an essay and master the art of how to write an essay fast? Whether you're a procrastinator or just need to boost your writing speed, this blog will provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you efficiently craft a well-written essay in no time. From effective brainstorming techniques to time-saving editing tricks, buckle up as we dive into the secrets of writing a stellar essay quickly and effectively. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

How To Write An Essay Fast

man writing an essay - How To Write An Essay Fast

Preparation Hacks

Deconstructing the Essay Prompt

When faced with a time crunch, the first step for a slow writer is to deconstruct the essay prompt. Break it down into key requirements and questions that need to be answered. Identify keywords, understand the topic, and determine the desired approach. It is crucial to discern the purpose of the essay and who the audience is. This clarity will guide the writer in crafting a focused and relevant piece efficiently.

Create a "Simple Thesis" First

Crafting a basic 1-2 sentence thesis statement should be the next move. Put down your main argument or stance without overthinking it. The thesis can be refined later, but getting it on paper initially is essential to provide a clear direction for the essay. This simple thesis acts as a roadmap for the writer to follow as they delve into the essay.

Try Mind Mapping Instead of Outlining

Instead of traditional outlining, consider using a mind-mapping tool to visually organize ideas. Mind mapping is excellent for promoting divergent thinking and allowing ideas to flow naturally. This method can help in quickly generating ideas and connections, which can then be converted into a more traditional outline if desired. Mind mapping is a creative way to streamline the thought process and enhance productivity.

Dictate to a Word Processor with Voice Typing

When fatigue sets in, utilizing built-in voice typing in Word or Google Docs can be a game-changer. Simply activate the feature and speak your ideas aloud, allowing the tool to transcribe your words into text hands-free. Alternatively, employing a speech-to-text tool to verbally free-write can help ideas flow more naturally than typing. This method can serve as the foundation for your essay draft, enabling you to capture thoughts quickly and efficiently.

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Research Hacks

Utilize Keyword Modifiers for Surgical Searches on Search Engines

To enhance your research efficiency, employ keyword modifiers when conducting searches on search engines. Utilize modifiers such as quotes, AND, OR, and more to refine your search results. By filtering for specific phrases, topics, and sources, you can pinpoint exactly what you need at a faster pace. 

Bookmark Relevant Websites as You Browse

Create a temporary "research" bookmark folder in your browser to save valuable resources as you navigate the web. Compile books, articles, videos, and other sources that are pertinent to your essay topic. This curated collection will serve as a quick and easy reference point during the writing process.

Elevating Writing Efficiency and Quality with Jotbot's AI Assistance

Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Jotbot is your personal document assistant, offering AI note-taking, video summarizing, citation/source finding, outline creation, and even AI essay writing. Join over 500,000 writers, students, teams, and researchers worldwide to elevate your writing speed and quality with Jotbot. 

Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

Leverage Wikipedia's Sources

Explore the sources cited in Wikipedia articles related to your essay topic. While vetting is crucial, these sources can lead you to valuable and credible references. By reviewing what quality sources are being cited, you can uncover hidden gems for your essay.

Capture Citation Details with Google Scholar

Utilize Google Scholar to access a plethora of academic sources for your essay. Easily identify and capture citation details from reputable publications. Vet and bookmark relevant sources on Google Scholar to streamline your research process.

Writing Hacks

Follow the Classic Five Paragraph Essay Format

The Classic Five Paragraph Essay Format is a lifesaver when time is of the essence. With a clear introduction, three body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion, this format provides a simple and effective structure for your essay. It streamlines the outlining process, making it easy to organize your thoughts and arguments logically. Plus, you can always adjust and expand on this format to suit your specific essay requirements.

"Upside Down" Writing: Start with the Conclusion

Starting with your conclusion paragraph might sound counterintuitive, but it's a game-changer when you're in a time crunch. By crafting your conclusion first, you establish your main argument and key points upfront. This allows you to reverse outline your body paragraphs to ensure they support your conclusion. It keeps you focused and on track, preventing you from straying off course.

Use Blueprint Sentences to Structure Paragraphs

Blueprint sentences act as guiding beacons for your paragraphs. By setting the tone with a topic sentence that outlines the main idea or argument of the paragraph, you provide a roadmap for both yourself and your readers. For example, "This essay will explore three reasons why X..." Then, unpack that blueprint by elaborating on each reason in the paragraph.

Apply the "They Say / I Say" Technique

To give your essay a compelling flow, consider using the "They Say / I Say" technique. Start by summarizing what others have said about your topic to provide context. Then, smoothly transition to your unique perspective by stating "I say..." This technique helps you engage in a dialogue with existing ideas and present your stance clearly and persuasively.

Channel Your Stream of Consciousness

Perfectionism and overthinking are the enemies of fast essay writing. Instead of getting bogged down by editing and refining as you write, let your thoughts flow freely. Embrace your stream of consciousness and allow yourself to riff on ideas. You can always revise and polish your essay later. The key is to get your initial thoughts down on paper without getting caught up in perfectionism.

Editing Hacks

Reverse Outline After Your First Draft

When reviewing your draft, create a reverse outline by identifying key points and the logical flow of your essay. This outline will help you rearrange content as needed, ensuring a coherent structure and seamless transitions between ideas.

Watch for Repetitive "To Be" Verbs

Scan your essay for instances of "is/am/are/were/been/will be" to avoid passive voice. Passive voice can make your writing less clear and bog down the reader. Instead, opt for the active voice to instantly tighten your writing and vary your phrasing, making it more engaging and dynamic.

Eliminate Flabby Words and Phrases

Cut the fluff by removing filler words like "really, very, just, quite" and identifying bloated phrases such as "due to the fact that." Condense your phrasing to be more concise and impactful, reducing friction in your essay and keeping your reader engaged with clear and direct language.

Read Your Essay Out Loud

Reading your essay out loud, or using a text-to-speech tool, can be a game-changer. This practice helps catch unclear phrasing, highlights any abrupt tonal shifts or flow issues, and is instrumental for achieving tight, logical writing. By hearing your words, you can pinpoint areas that may need revision and ensure a polished final product.

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Productivity Hacks

Maximizing Focus with the Pomodoro Time Management Technique

Utilizing the Pomodoro Technique can significantly enhance your essay writing process. By breaking your work into focused 25-minute intervals called "pomodoros," you can maintain a high level of concentration. After each pomodoro, take a short break to refresh your mind. This technique helps prevent burnout and maintains a steady momentum in your writing.

Enhancing Concentration with Instrumental Music

To tune out distractions and maintain focus while writing your essay, consider listening to instrumental music. Ambient and unobtrusive sounds can create a conducive environment for deep work. Sources like instrumental playlists, video game soundtracks, or classical music can provide a soothing background that helps you concentrate better.

Optimizing Efficiency by Setting Firm Deadlines

Setting a firm deadline earlier than your actual due date can boost your productivity and efficiency. By working backwards from this self-imposed deadline, you can segment your tasks effectively. Schedule time for research, drafting, revising, and editing to ensure a structured and well-paced writing process. This approach helps alleviate procrastination and increases your motivation to meet deadlines.

Recharging with Intentional, Timed Breaks

Rest is crucial to maintaining mental clarity and avoiding burnout during the essay writing process. Taking short 5-10 minute breaks every hour allows your mind to recharge and stay fresh. These brief pauses help prevent fatigue, enhance productivity, and improve overall cognitive function. Breaks are not a luxury but a necessity for sustained focus and efficiency.

Motivational Hacks

Visualizing Success to Boost Motivation

When the blank page feels daunting and the words just won't flow, picture your professor's impressed expression as they read your essay. Envision the nod of approval, the impressed smile, and the mental note of your insightful ideas. This visualization technique can serve as a powerful motivator to push through tough moments. Knowing that your hard work and unique perspective are being appreciated can fuel your determination to keep going, leading to a sense of accomplishment and pride in your work.

Post-Submission Relief and Pride for Mental Reward

After hitting the submit button, there's a wave of relief and pride that washes over you. The satisfaction of knowing that you put your best effort into your essay and submitted quality work is a significant mental reward. This feeling of accomplishment can boost your confidence and motivation for future assignments. Embrace the sense of pride that comes from completing a task to the best of your ability, as it can be a powerful driver to maintain focus and dedication throughout the writing process.

Promising Yourself a Reward for Motivation

Treat yourself to a well-deserved reward after completing your essay. Whether it's a delicious meal, a show you've been wanting to watch, or an outing with friends, promising yourself a reward can be a powerful motivator. Setting a tangible incentive for finishing the task can help you stay focused and driven, knowing that something enjoyable awaits you upon completion. Use this as a tool to reinforce positive behavior and maintain motivation when faced with challenging writing tasks.

Tech Hacks

Enhancing Writing Speed with Tech Tools: Grammar & Plagiarism Checkers

In the quest to write an essay swiftly, utilizing tech tools like grammar and plagiarism checkers can be a game-changer. Tools such as Jotbot, Grammarly, Quetext, and Turnitin can significantly expedite the proofreading and plagiarism detection process. By running your drafts through these tools, you can quickly identify grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and potential instances of plagiarism.

Streamlining Editing with Grammar and Plagiarism Checkers

Grammar checkers like Grammarly not only highlight errors but also offer suggestions for improvement, making the editing process more efficient. Similarly, plagiarism checkers such as Quetext and Turnitin can swiftly scan your content against a vast database to ensure originality and integrity in your work. By leveraging these tools, slow writers can save valuable time that would otherwise be spent manually combing through their essays.

Essay Writing Efficiency with Technology

When striving to write an essay fast, incorporating these grammar and plagiarism checkers into your workflow can streamline the editing process and enhance the overall quality of your writing. By harnessing the power of technology, writers can boost their productivity and efficiency, ultimately producing well-crafted essays in less time.

Experimenting with AI Writing Assistants (with Caution!)

AI writing assistants have emerged as valuable tools for writers looking to expedite the writing process. Platforms like ChatGPT and Jotbot leverage artificial intelligence to assist with brainstorming, outlining, and even generating initial drafts. By tapping into the capabilities of AI, writers can access instant suggestions, structure their ideas more effectively, and kickstart their writing process.

Use of AI Writing Assistants with Caution

It is crucial to exercise caution when using AI writing assistants. While these tools can offer valuable support, it is essential to fact-check the information provided, personalize the content to align with your voice and style, and ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the final output. AI should be viewed as a complement to human creativity and expertise, rather than a complete replacement.

By incorporating AI writing assistants into your writing toolkit, you can potentially overcome writer's block, generate ideas more efficiently, and accelerate the essay writing process. Embracing these technological advancements can empower writers to enhance their productivity and achieve their writing goals with greater ease.

Writing Efficiency and Quality with Jotbot's AI-Powered Assistance

Jotbot is your personal document assistant. Jotbot does AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, AI citation/source finder, it writes AI outlines for essays, and even writes entire essays with Jotbot’s AI essay writer. Join 500,000+ writers, students, teams, and researchers around the world to write more, write better, and write faster with Jotbot. 

Write smarter, not harder with Jotbot. Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

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Write Smarter With Jotbot — Start Writing for Free Today

Jotbot is a revolutionary tool that leverages artificial intelligence to assist users in various aspects of the writing process. With features like AI note-taking, video summarization, citation and source finding, outline generation, and even full essay writing capabilities, Jotbot streamlines the writing process for over 500,000 writers, students, teams, and researchers worldwide. By integrating Jotbot into your writing routine, you can enhance your productivity, efficiency, and overall writing quality. 

Start your journey towards more effective writing by signing in with Google and experiencing the power of Jotbot for free today.

Mastering the Art of Efficient Essay Outlining

One of the key strategies for writing essays quickly is effective outlining. Begin by clearly defining your thesis statement, main arguments, and supporting evidence. Utilize Jotbot's AI outline feature to automate this process and create a structured framework for your essay. By organizing your thoughts and ideas in a logical manner, you can expedite the writing process and ensure a cohesive and coherent essay.

Harnessing AI for Citation and Source Finding

Research is a critical component of essay writing, but it can also be a time-consuming task. Jotbot's AI citation and source finder simplifies this process by scanning through vast databases to locate relevant sources and generate accurate citations. By automating the citation process, you can save valuable time and focus on crafting your arguments and analysis.

Utilizing AI Essay Writing for Speed and Quality

Writing the actual essay is where many individuals struggle to meet deadlines. Jotbot's AI essay writer is a game-changer in this regard, as it can generate well-structured and coherent essays based on your outlined framework and provided information. By collaborating with Jotbot's AI essay writer, you can produce high-quality essays in a fraction of the time it would traditionally take, allowing you to meet tight deadlines with ease.

Writing Smarter, Not Harder with Jotbot

Incorporating Jotbot into your writing arsenal is the key to writing smarter, not harder. By harnessing the power of AI technology for note-taking, outlining, citation finding, and essay writing, you can streamline your writing process, boost your productivity, and elevate the quality of your work. Join the ranks of successful writers who rely on Jotbot to write faster, better, and more efficiently. 

Sign in with Google today and unleash the full potential of your writing prowess with Jotbot.

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