How to Use ChatGPT Homework Help | 15 Best Practices

Declan Gessel

Sep 1, 2024

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person with a friend - ChatGPT Homework Help

Anyone who's been in school knows how stressful homework can be. For some students, assignments can cause so much anxiety that they avoid them altogether, while others will scramble to finish under tight deadlines. The emergence of AI technology like ChatGPT may ease the burden of homework. 

This guide will show you how to use ChatGPT for homework to improve your performance and reduce stress. Specifically, it will help you understand how to use ChatGPT homework help and give you 15 best practices for getting the most out of this innovative technology.

One valuable tool to help you achieve these goals is Jotbot's source finder. This resource can help you quickly identify quality sources related to your homework topic to get organized and confidently tackle your assignment.

Table of Contents

ChatGPT For Homework

woman typing on laptop - ChatGPT Homework Help

ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, could change how students tackle homework. Its ability to generate human-quality text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer questions in an informative way makes it a versatile tool for students of all ages. ChatGPT can help with everything from brainstorming essay topics to solving math problems. 

Idea Generation Made Easy

ChatGPT can help generate ideas for essays, research papers, and creative writing projects. Just provide it with a topic or prompt, and it will create a list of potential ideas or angles. For instance, if you are writing a paper on climate change, you can ask ChatGPT to help with "climate change," and it will generate ideas like "the effects of climate change on polar bears," "ways to mitigate climate change," or "climate change deniers and the role of social media." 

Research Assistance: Get the Info You Need

ChatGPT can help gather information on various topics. You can ask it questions, request summaries of articles or books, or even get help finding relevant sources. For example, if you need to write a paper on the effects of climate change on polar bears, you can ask ChatGPT, "What are the effects of climate change on polar bears?" it will produce a detailed answer that can help you get started. 

Writing Help: Improve Your Style and Coherence

ChatGPT can help you write more effectively by providing suggestions for improving your grammar, style, and coherence. It can also help you generate outlines, introductions, and conclusions for your writing assignments. For example, if you provide it with a paragraph, it might suggest specific changes to improve clarity and flow. Then, ask it to help you write a better topic sentence for your paragraph to enhance organization. 

Solving Problems and Answering Questions

ChatGPT can solve math problems, answer science questions, and even help with coding assignments. Just provide it with the problem or question, and it will give a step-by-step solution or explanation. For instance, if you ask it, "What is 25 times 36?" it will quickly provide the answer: 900. Then if you ask it to explain how it got that answer, it will outline the steps it took to solve the problem. 

Using ChatGPT for Language Learning

ChatGPT can help you practice speaking and writing in a foreign language. You can ask it questions, engage in conversations, or request translations. For example, if you are learning Spanish, you can ask ChatGPT, "What is the Spanish word for 'butterfly?”. It will respond with "mariposa." Then, you can ask to use the word in a sentence to help you understand how to incorporate it into your writing. 

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT for Homework

To use ChatGPT effectively, remember it’s a tool to help you with homework, not a replacement for your understanding and critical thinking. Always verify the information it provides with reliable sources and use it ethically. For instance, avoid using ChatGPT to plagiarize or cheat on assignments. 

Use It as a Tool, Not a Crutch

ChatGPT is a helpful tool, but it should not be used as a substitute for your understanding and critical thinking. 

Be Specific in Your Prompts

The more specific you are in your prompts, ChatGPT's responses will be more accurate and helpful. 

Verify Information

Always verify the information provided by ChatGPT with reliable sources. 

Use It Ethically

Avoid using ChatGPT to plagiarize or cheat on your assignments. 

Be Mindful of Limitations

ChatGPT could be better and may sometimes generate incorrect or biased information. 

Ethical Considerations of Using ChatGPT for Homework

Using ChatGPT to generate text without proper attribution can be considered plagiarism. Be sure to cite any sources you use, including ChatGPT. 

Using ChatGPT to complete assignments could give you an unfair advantage over students who do not have access to such tools. Overreliance on ChatGPT could hinder your learning and development. It's essential to use it to supplement your understanding rather than as a replacement for it.

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How to Use ChatGPT for Different Types of Homework

person feeling relaxed at home - ChatGPT Homework Help

Let ChatGPT Help You Write Your Next Essay

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for essay writing, assisting with various process stages. It can help you:

Brainstorm ideas

Provide ChatGPT with a topic or prompt, and it can generate a list of potential ideas or angles. For example, if you are writing an essay on the impact of social media on mental health, you could ask ChatGPT to suggest potential thesis statements or discuss social media's potential benefits and drawbacks. 


Ask ChatGPT to find information on specific topics or provide summaries of relevant articles or books. For instance, you could ask ChatGPT to find statistics on the prevalence of depression among teenagers or summarize a recent study on the effects of social media on sleep patterns. 


Use ChatGPT's suggestions to create an outline for your essay. ChatGPT can help you organize your thoughts and structure your essay effectively. 

Write drafts

Use ChatGPT to generate draft paragraphs or sections of your essay. While ChatGPT cannot produce genuinely original or creative writing, it can provide a starting point for your writing. 


Ask ChatGPT to check your essay for grammar and spelling errors. ChatGPT can help you identify and correct mistakes in your writing.

Math Homework Got You Down? Let ChatGPT Help! 

ChatGPT can be used to solve math problems and explain concepts. It can:

Solve Equations

Provide ChatGPT with a math problem, and it will solve it step-by-step. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to solve a quadratic equation or find the derivative of a function. 

Explain Concepts

Ask ChatGPT to explain a mathematical concept in simple terms. For instance, you could ask ChatGPT to explain the concept of probability or the Pythagorean theorem. 

Practice Problems

Use ChatGPT to generate practice problems and check your answers. ChatGPT can provide you with practice problems on various topics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus.

Research Papers? Use ChatGPT to Lighten the Load 

ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for research papers, assisting with:

Literature Reviews

Use ChatGPT to summarize relevant research articles and identify key trends. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to summarize recent studies on the effects of climate change on biodiversity or identify the main arguments in a debate about the ethics of artificial intelligence. 

Citation Generation

Ask ChatGPT to generate citations for your sources. ChatGPT can create citations in various styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. 

Thesis Statement Development

Develop a strong thesis statement for your research paper with ChatGPT's help. ChatGPT can help you brainstorm potential thesis statements and evaluate their effectiveness.

Coding Assignments. Let ChatGPT Help You Debug! 

ChatGPT can be used to assist with coding assignments, such as:


Ask ChatGPT to help you identify and fix errors in your code. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to help you find a syntax error in your Python code or explain why your program produces unexpected results. 

Generating Code Snippets

Request ChatGPT to create code snippets for specific tasks. For instance, ask ChatGPT to generate a code snippet to sort a list of numbers or make a simple web application. Explaining code: Ask ChatGPT to explain how a particular code works. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to explain the purpose of a specific function or algorithm.

15 Best Practices for Using ChatGPT for Homework

woman focused on finishing work - ChatGPT Homework Help

1. Define Your Goals: What Do You Want to Achieve with ChatGPT?

Get clear about your goals before using ChatGPT for homework. By defining your objectives, you can better understand how to use ChatGPT to help you. For instance, are you looking to improve your understanding of a topic, save time, or get help with specific problems? 

You may need to write a history paper and want to use ChatGPT to generate ideas or help you organize your thoughts. You can write a story and need help developing characters or crafting dialogue. Knowing your goals will help you use ChatGPT effectively. 

2. Provide Clear and Concise Prompts 

As a language model, ChatGPT generates responses based on the given prompts. The more specific and detailed your prompts are, ChatGPT’s responses will be more accurate and helpful. Avoid vague or ambiguous questions. For example, instead of asking, “Tell me about the Civil War,” try something like, “What were the primary causes of the Civil War?” or “How did the Civil War impact life in the United States today?” Prompts like these will elicit more focused responses that better suit your needs. 

3. Verify Information

Always verify the information provided by ChatGPT with reliable sources. ChatGPT is flexible and may sometimes generate incorrect or biased information. 

4. Use ChatGPT as a Tool, Not a Crutch

ChatGPT is a helpful tool, but it should be used as something other than a substitute for your understanding and critical thinking. 

5. Experiment with Different Prompts

If you’re unsatisfied with ChatGPT’s initial response, try rephrasing your prompt or providing additional context. 

6. Learn from ChatGPT's Responses

Pay attention to ChatGPT's responses and understand why it generated the information it did. This can help you improve your understanding of the topic. 

7. Be Mindful of Ethical Considerations

Avoid using ChatGPT to plagiarize or cheat on your assignments. Always cite your sources appropriately. 

8. Use ChatGPT for Specific Tasks

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for brainstorming, research, and problem-solving tasks. However, there may be better tools for tasks that require creativity or deep understanding. 

9. Consider ChatGPT's Limitations

ChatGPT is not capable of true creativity or original thought. It relies on patterns learned from its training data and cannot generate novel ideas. 

10. Stay Informed about ChatGPT's Capabilities

ChatGPT is constantly evolving. Stay informed about new features and capabilities relevant to your homework. 

11. Use ChatGPT in Combination with Other Tools

ChatGPT can be used with other tools like search engines or online databases to enhance your research. 

12. Seek Help from Your Teacher or Tutor

If you need help understanding a concept or completing an assignment, feel free to seek help from your teacher or tutor. 

13. Use ChatGPT Responsibly

Avoid becoming overly reliant on ChatGPT. Develop your critical thinking skills and use ChatGPT as a tool to supplement your learning. 

14. Be Patient

ChatGPT may only sometimes provide the perfect answer after some time. Be patient and experiment with different prompts until you get the desired result. 

15. Have Fun

Using ChatGPT can be a fun and engaging way to learn. Enjoy the process and experiment with different approaches.

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How to Use Jotbot and ChatGPT Together

woman sitting and working hard - ChatGPT Homework Help

Tackle Homework Head-On With Enhanced Note-Taking and Summarization

Using Jotbot and ChatGPT can make homework completion smoother and more efficient by simplifying the note-taking and summarization process. Start by using Jotbot to capture notes from lectures, research, or readings. The tool's AI capabilities will help you efficiently organize and summarize key points. Next, approach ChatGPT with specific prompts to clarify or elaborate on any confusing points from your Jotbot notes. You can also use the AI tool to generate summaries or compare different perspectives on a topic. 

Get Organized: Research and Citation Made Easy

Research and citation can make even the most mild-mannered students anxious. Using Jotbot and ChatGPT together can help you tackle these homework tasks with minimal stress. Begin by using Jotbot to store research articles, websites, and other sources you plan to use for your assignment. 

Its AI citation finder can automatically generate citations in various styles like APA and MLA, making this process a cinch. Next, approach ChatGPT to find additional sources or verify information from your Jotbot notes. You can also ask it to help you organize your research and develop a thesis statement. 

Improve Your Writing Skills With Jotbot and ChatGPT

Writing is a complex task that many students dread. Using Jotbot and ChatGPT together can simplify writing and enhance your skills. Start using Jotbot to create outlines or mind maps to organize your thoughts and ideas. Once you've prepared to write your assignment, approach ChatGPT to help you write drafts, improve your grammar and style, or suggest alternative phrasings. You can also ask it to proofread your work for errors. 

Solve Problems with Jotbot and ChatGPT

Both Jotbot and ChatGPT can aid in problem-solving and explanations for complex subjects like math and coding. First, use Jotbot to store math problems, coding snippets, or other complex information. Next, use ChatGPT to get step-by-step explanations, solve problems, or debug code. You can also ask it to provide alternative approaches or solutions. 

Level Up Language Learning With Jotbot and ChatGPT

Language learning can be tedious, but Jotbot and ChatGPT can help students tackle this subject with interest and enthusiasm. Use Jotbot to store vocabulary words, phrases, and grammar rules. From there, approach ChatGPT to practice conversations in your target language. You can also ask it to translate text or explain grammatical concepts. 

Understanding ChatGPT's Limitations

chatgpt logo - ChatGPT Homework Help

Bias and Inaccuracy: How ChatGPT Can Mislead Your Homework

AI, like ChatGPT, can reflect biases in its training data, generating inaccurate or unfair information. This can be especially problematic when working on homework assignments for sensitive subjects such as history, sociology, and politics. 

For example, a prompt asking ChatGPT to write an essay on the history of artificial intelligence might disproportionately highlight the contributions of Western researchers, overlooking the work of scientists from other cultures. This bias could be due to the predominance of Western research in the training data used to develop ChatGPT. 

Lack of Creativity: ChatGPT Can't Think Outside the Box

AI, like ChatGPT, can mimic creativity but cannot truly create. ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns it learned from its training data and cannot produce novel or original ideas. This limitation can hinder its usefulness for tasks that require creative thinking, like writing poetry or composing music. 

For example, a prompt asking ChatGPT to write a poem about a robot falling in love might result in a generic and predictable response that lacks emotional depth. ChatGPT may be able to generate rhyming couplets and use poetic language, but it will need help to capture the nuances of human emotion and experience. 

Ethical Concerns: Is Using ChatGPT for Homework Cheating?

The use of AI for tasks like homework raises ethical concerns. For example, there is a risk that students could become overly reliant on AI, leading to a decline in their critical thinking skills. Additionally, using AI to generate essays or other assignments raises questions about the authenticity and originality of student work. 

An example is a student who relies heavily on ChatGPT to write their essays. That student may need help to develop their writing skills and be unable to produce original work. Furthermore, using AI to generate essays could undermine the purpose of assignments, which is to assess students' understanding and ability to think critically.

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Jotbot is your document assistant. Jotbot does AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, and AI citation/source finder; it writes AI outlines for essays and even writes entire essays with Jotbot’s AI essay writer. 

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