10 Student GPT Alternatives and Our Best Pick

Declan Gessel

Aug 30, 2024

woman showing benefits of using tools - Student GPT
woman showing benefits of using tools - Student GPT

Consider you're a student who has just been assigned a considerable essay. You have no idea where to start, and you’re stressed out. You want to do well, but other assignments and activities are competing for your attention. You wish there were a way you could get help with the assignment to lighten the load. Enter Student GPT. This transformative artificial intelligence tool can help you brainstorm ideas, outline your paper, and even write portions of it that you can edit. 

This guide will explain how to use ChatGPT for homework assignments, focusing on its student-friendly version, Student GPT. You’ll learn how it works, its academic applications, and how to use it effectively. We’ll also introduce Jotbot, an AI tool that can help you with writing assignments, and explain how it compares to Student GPT.

As you will see, Jotbot's AI writing assistant solution can complement your use of Student GPT or serve as an effective alternative. This invaluable tool can help you achieve your academic goals by generating original content and offering suggestions to improve your writing.

Table Of Contents

What is Student GPT?

man using an LLM model - Student GPT

Student GPT is a specialized version of the large language model ChatGPT, designed to assist students in various aspects of their academic journey. Here is a detailed explanation of what Student GPT is and how it functions: 

What is Student GPT? Definition and Purpose

Student GPT is an AI-powered tool tailored to enhance the academic experience. It is built on the principles of ChatGPT but focuses on educational needs, making it a valuable resource for students, educators, and researchers.

Creators and Development

Student GPT is developed by leveraging the technology behind ChatGPT, which OpenAI created. Various developers and researchers often customize the specific version for students to meet the unique needs of academic environments.

How does Student GPT Work? 

Technical Details

Student GPT operates using a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model, similar to ChatGPT. This model is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, enabling it to understand and respond to various prompts and questions. When a user provides a prompt, Student GPT processes it, analyzes the context, and generates a relevant response using complex neural network architecture.

Critical Functions of Student GPT 

Exam Preparation

Student GPT can generate practice exam questions based on course material, helping students test their understanding and recall. For example, a student preparing for a biology exam inputs critical topics, and the Student's GPT creates multiple-choice and short-answer questions.

Mindmap Creation

It can transform textual information into visual mindmaps, aiding in conceptual understanding and memory retention. For example, a student working on a history project provides key dates and events, and Student GPT generates a mindmap linking causes, events, and consequences.

Flashcard Development

Student GPT can create flashcards for efficient study and memorization. For example, a language learner submits a list of new vocabulary, and Student GPT creates flashcards with words on one side and definitions or usage examples on the other.

Research Assistance

It assists in compiling sources and conducting literature reviews for academic papers. For example, a student writing a paper on renewable energy sources inputs their thesis statement, and Student GPT finds relevant academic sources, creates a bibliography, and suggests potential angles for analysis.

Writing Improvement: Student GPT provides feedback and suggestions on writing drafts, enhancing clarity, structure, grammar, and style. For example, a student shares a draft of their essay, and a Student GPT reviews the text for improvement.

What Are The Target User Groups of Student GPT 


Student GPT is primarily aimed at students at various educational levels and is ideal for those seeking assistance with study materials, exam preparation, and research projects. 


Educators can use Student GPT to create teaching aids like quizzes, educational content, and interactive learning materials. 


Researchers can benefit from Student GPT's capabilities in literature review, source compilation, and structuring of academic papers.

Benefits and Limitations of Using Student GPT 

Efficiency in Study and Research Time-Saving

Student GPT can quickly generate practice questions, create mindmaps, and summarize large volumes of text, saving students significant time on their studies.

  • Example: A student preparing for an exam can input key topics and receive practice questions instantly, allowing them to focus on practicing rather than creating questions. 

Enhanced Learning Experience Interactive Learning

Student GPT offers interactive tools like flashcards and quizzes, making learning more engaging and fun. 

  • Example: Students studying for a foreign language exam can use Student GPT to create flashcards with words and translations, enhancing their memorization and recall. 

Improved Writing and Research Skills Writing Assistance

Student GPT provides feedback on writing drafts, helping students improve their writing skills, structure, grammar, and style. 

Example: Students working on essays can submit their drafts to Student GPT and receive suggestions for improvement, ensuring their work is well-structured and coherent. 

Accessibility and Convenience 24/7 Availability

Student GPT is available around the clock, providing immediate support whenever students need it. 

  • Example: A student working on a project late at night can use Student GPT to find relevant sources, create a bibliography, or get answers to questions without waiting for human assistance.


While Student GPT is highly advanced, it may sometimes generate incorrect or misleading information and can be biased based on the data it was trained on. Using it critically and verifying its output with reliable sources is crucial.

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How Students Leverage Student GPT for Academic Work

person making notes with a friend - Student GPT

Student GPT is a powerful tool designed to assist students in various aspects of their academic journey. Here are six everyday use cases and a step-by-step guide for each

1. Exam Preparation

Generating Practice Questions

Students can use Student GPT to create practice exam questions based on their course material, helping them test their understanding and recall.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Input Key Topics: Identify the key topics covered in the exam and input them into Student GPT.

  • Generate Questions: Ask Student GPT to generate multiple-choice and short-answer questions based on the input topics.

  • Review and Practice: Review the generated questions and practice answering them to reinforce learning.

  • Adjust Difficulty: If needed, adjust the difficulty level of the questions to match the exam format better.

2. Mindmap Creation

Visualizing Information

Student GPT can transform textual information into visual mindmaps, aiding conceptual understanding and memory retention.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Provide Key Information:  Input key dates, events, or concepts related to the subject matter.

  • Generate Mindmap: Ask Student GPT to create a mindmap visually linking causes, events, and consequences.

  • Review and Customize: Review the mind map and customize it to fit the learning needs better.

  • Use for Study: Use the mind map as a study aid to reinforce understanding and memory retention.

3. Flashcard Development

Efficient Memorization

Student GPT can create flashcards for efficient study and memorization.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Submit Vocabulary List: Provide a list of new vocabulary words or critical terms.

  • Generate Flashcards: Ask Student GPT to create flashcards with words on one side and definitions or usage examples on the other.

  • Review and Practice: Review the flashcards and practice using them for spaced repetition learning.

  • Track Progress: Track progress and adjust the flashcards as needed to ensure effective memorization.

4. Research Assistance

Compiling Sources

student GPT assists in compiling sources and aiding in literature reviews for academic papers.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Input Thesis Statement: Provide the thesis statement or research question.

  • Find Relevant Sources Ask Student GPT to find relevant academic sources and create a bibliography.

  • Analyze Sources: Use Student GPT to summarize and analyze the sources, suggesting potential angles for analysis.

  • Organize References: Organize the references and citations to ensure proper academic formatting.

5. Writing Improvement

Feedback and Suggestions

Student GPT provides input and suggestions on writing drafts, helping students improve their writing skills.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Share Draft: Share a draft of the essay or paper with Student GPT.

  • Request Feedback Student GPT to review the text for clarity, structure, grammar, and style.

  • Review Feedback: Review the feedback and suggestions provided by Student GPT.

  • Revise and Edit: Revise and edit the draft based on the input to enhance the quality of the writing.

6. Learning and Understanding Complex Concepts

Explaining Concepts 

Student GPT can explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner, helping students grasp difficult subjects.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Input Concept: Input the complex concept or topic that needs explanation.

  • Request Explanation: Ask Student GPT to explain the concept in detail.

  • Review Explanation: Review the explanation provided by Student GPT to ensure understanding.

  • Follow-Up Questions: Ask follow-up questions to clarify doubts or seek additional examples.

Start Writing For Free With Jotbot Today!

Jotbot is your document assistant. Jotbot does AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, and AI citation/source finder; it writes AI outlines for essays and even writes entire essays with Jotbot’s AI essay writer. 

Join 500,000+ writers, students, teams, and researchers worldwide to write more, write better, and write faster with Jotbot's AI writing assistant. Write more intelligently, not harder, with Jotbot's AI writing assistant. Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

Different Types of Academic Work and How to Approach Them

woman completing her academic work - Student GPT

How Student GPT Can Help You Write Better Research Papers

Research papers and essays are a staple of academic life. Here’s how to use Student GPT to improve your performance on these assignments. 

Approach: Topic Selection

ChatGPT can help you choose and narrow down a topic for your paper. 


Student GPT can generate potential topics related to the course material or assignment when given a prompt. 

Narrowing Down

After selecting a few areas of interest, you can input these into ChatGPT and ask it to suggest specific topics. 

Literature Review

A literature review is a summary of existing research on a topic. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to complete this section of your paper. 

Source Finding

You can ask Student GPT to find relevant academic sources, including articles, books, and online resources. 


Request summaries of the sources to quickly grasp the main points and arguments. 

Bibliography Creation 

Use Student GPT to create a bibliography in the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

Outline Creation

ChatGPT can help you organize your ideas before you start writing. 

Initial Outline 

Generate an initial outline for the paper using Student GPT, ensuring a clear structure and logical flow. 

Detailed Outline 

Expand the outline by adding subheadings and critical points in each section. 

Drafting and Editing

You can also use Student GPT to help you draft and edit your paper. 

Initial Draft 

Draft the initial sections of the paper, such as the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, using Student GPT. 

Feedback and Revision 

Submit the draft to Student GPT for clarity, structure, grammar, and style feedback. 

Revision and Editing 

Revise and edit the draft based on the feedback to enhance the quality of the writing. 

Citation and Formatting

Finally, ChatGPT can help ensure your paper meets academic standards for citation and formatting. 

Citation Check 

Ensure proper citation and formatting using Student GPT to check for consistency and accuracy. 

Formatting Assistance 

Ask Student GPT for assistance in formatting the paper according to the required academic standards. 

How Student GPT Can Help You Solve Math and Science Problems

Math and science problems can be daunting for students. Here’s how you can use Student GPT to tackle these assignments effectively. 

Approach: Problem Explanation 

  • Concept Clarification: Input complex math or science problems and ask Student GPT to explain the underlying concepts and steps. 

Step-by-Step Breakdown 

  • Request a step-by-step breakdown of the problem-solving process to ensure understanding. 

Step-by-Step Solutions 

  • Solution Generation: Ask Student GPT to generate step-by-step solutions to problems, helping students understand the methodology and reasoning. 

  • Explanation of Steps: Request explanations for each step to clarify doubts or misunderstandings. 

Practice Questions 

  • Question Generation: Use Student GPT to generate practice questions based on the topic, allowing students to test their understanding and recall. 

  • Randomized Questions: Ask for randomized questions to ensure a comprehensive practice session. 

Conceptual Understanding 

  • Mindmap Creation: Use Student GPT to create mindmaps that visually link concepts, helping students understand complex relationships between ideas. 

  • Concept Summarization: Summarize critical concepts and provide examples to reinforce understanding. 

Review and Practice 

  • Review Sessions: Use Student GPT to review explanations and practice solving problems to reinforce learning. 

  • Progress Tracking: Track and adjust the practice sessions to ensure effective learning. 

How Student GPT Can Help You With Language Learning and Writing

Student GPT can help you improve your skills in a new language and even help you write in your native tongue. Here’s how. 

Approach: Vocabulary Building 

  • Flashcard Creation: Create flashcards with new vocabulary words and their translations or definitions. 

  • Spaced Repetition: Use Student GPT to implement spaced repetition learning, ensuring efficient memorization. 

Grammar and Syntax 

  • Rule Explanation: Ask Student GPT to explain grammar rules and syntax, providing examples and exercises. 

  •  Practice Exercises: Generate practice exercises to help students apply the rules in context. 

Writing Assistance 

  • Drafting: Use Student GPT to draft initial writing assignments, such as essays or reports. 

  • Feedback and Revision: Submit the draft to Student GPT for feedback on clarity, structure, grammar, and style. 

  • Revision and Editing: Revise and edit the draft based on the feedback to enhance the quality of the writing. 

Reading Comprehension 

  • Text Summarization: Summarize texts to help students quickly grasp the main points and arguments. 

  • Comprehension Questions: Generate comprehension questions to test understanding and encourage critical thinking. 

Conversational Practice 

  • Dialogue Generation: Engage in conversational practice with Student GPT to improve speaking skills. 

  • Role-Playing: Use role-playing scenarios to practice different conversational contexts. 

How Student GPT Can Help You With Project-Based Assignments

Many students dread project-based assignments. Here’s how to use Student GPT to make these tasks more manageable. 

Approach: Project Planning 

  • Idea Generation: Use Student GPT to brainstorm ideas and create a project plan, including timelines and milestones.

  • Objective Setting: Define project objectives and scope with the help of Student GPT. 

Research and Data Collection 

  • Source Finding: Assist in finding relevant sources and collecting data for the project. 

  • Data Analysis: Use Student GPT to analyze data and provide insights that can inform the project. 

Content Creation 

  • Drafting: Generate content for presentations, reports, or other project components, ensuring coherence and accuracy. 

  • Design Suggestions: Provide suggestions for the design and layout of project materials, such as posters, slides, or reports. 

Design and Layout 

  • Visual Aids: Use Student GPT to create visual aids like infographics, charts, or diagrams to enhance the project. 

  • Formatting: Ensure proper formatting and consistency in the project materials. 

Final Review 

  • Review and Feedback: Review the final project for consistency, accuracy, and quality. 

  • Revision and Editing: Revise and edit the project based on feedback to enhance quality. 

How Student GPT Can Help You Study

Student GPT can help you prepare for upcoming exams and quizzes. Here’s how. 

Approach: Note Organization 

  • Summarization Use Student GPT to summarize notes into a coherent study guide, highlighting key points and concepts. 

  • Outline Creation Generate an outline of the notes to ensure a clear structure and logical flow. 

Concept Summarization 

  • Essential Concept Identification Identify critical terms and definitions, creating flashcards or concept maps to aid memorization. 

  • Explanation of Concepts: Summarizes complex concepts into easy-to-understand notes, helping students grasp difficult subjects. 

Practice Quizzes 

  • Question Generation: Generate practice quizzes based on the study guide to test understanding and recall. 

  • Randomized Questions: Ask for randomized questions to ensure a comprehensive practice session. 

Review and Update 

  • Regular Review The study guide should be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and practical. 

  • Update Notes: Update the notes and study guide as new information is learned or the course progresses. 

How Student GPT Can Help You Prepare Presentations and Speeches 

If you have an upcoming presentation or speech, use Student GPT to help you prepare. 

Approach: Topic Selection 

  • Brainstorming: Use Student GPT to suggest potential topics and help narrow the focus for presentations or speeches. 

  • Topic Refinement: Refine the topic by asking Student GPT to provide more specific angles or subtopics. 

Outline Creation 

  • Initial Outline: Generate an initial outline for the presentation, ensuring a clear structure and logical flow. 

  • Detailed Outline: Expand the outline by adding subheadings and critical points to be covered in each section. 

Content Generation 

  • Drafting: Assist in generating content for slides or speech scripts, ensuring coherence and accuracy. 

  • Design Suggestions: Provide suggestions for the design and layout of presentation materials, such as slides or handouts. 

Practice and Feedback 

  • Practice Sessions: Practice the presentation with Student GPT and receive feedback on delivery, tone, and content. 

  • Feedback and Revision: Revise the presentation based on feedback to enhance its quality and effectiveness. 

Final Preparation 

  • Review the final presentation for consistency, accuracy, and overall quality. 

  • Rehearsal: Rehearse the presentation to ensure confidence and smooth delivery. 

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Best Practices for Using Student GPT in Academics

To use Student GPT effectively, you must define your goals and set clear guidelines for its use. For example, if you use Student GPT for exam preparation, outline specific topics and questions you need help with. 

Then, establish guidelines for using the tool, ensuring you understand its capabilities and limitations and can communicate this to other users.

10 Best Student GPT Alternatives

person with laptop sitting - Student GPT

1. Jotbot: Your Personal AI Writing Assistant

Jotbot is your document assistant. Jotbot does AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, and AI citation/source finder; it writes AI outlines for essays and even writes entire essays with Jotbot’s AI essay writer. Join 500,000+ writers, students, teams, and researchers worldwide to write more, write better, and write faster with Jotbot's AI writing assistant. Write more competent, not harder, with Jotbot's AI writing assistant. Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

2. AskYourPDF: The Ultimate Academic Paper Finder

AskYourPDF offers students a comprehensive and efficient way to research academic papers. This tool helps users quickly find relevant scholarly articles for their assignments. With AskYourPDF, students can upload their PDFs to get instant summaries or search for specific information. The tool also allows users to filter results to find exactly what they need.

3. Wolfram Alpha: The Computational Knowledge Engine

Wolfram Alpha is an excellent tool for tackling STEM assignments. The computational knowledge engine uses algorithms and built-in data to solve problems across math, physics, chemistry, and more. This AI tool generates step-by-step solutions that help students complete their homework and enhance their understanding of essential concepts.

4. Quick Recall: Flashcards Reinvented

Quick Recall helps students memorize critical concepts and terms through flashcards and quizzes. The tool implements spaced repetition learning to ensure effective memorization, assisting students to retain information for the long haul. Quick Recall is a great way to prepare for upcoming exams and even ease test anxiety.

5. ScholarAI: Academic Writing Made Easy

ScholarAI is an academic writing tool that helps students improve their writing and complete assignments faster. The AI tool offers comprehensive support, suggesting topics, outlining papers, and providing citations. ScholarAI also helps users understand complex documents by giving detailed explanations, summaries, and more.

6. Bloom: An Open-Source Multilingual AI Tool

Bloom is an open-source AI tool that supports multiple languages, making it an excellent

resource for students from diverse linguistic backgrounds. The advanced model has 176 billion parameters and can generate human-like text for various applications. Bloom is free to use and customizable, but technical expertise may be required to set it up.

7. Jasper Chat: AI for Business and Students

Jasper Chat is an AI writing tool that helps users create text-based content, including academic papers. The software benefits business applications like marketing and advertising, but it can also help students complete assignments faster. With Jasper, you can generate high-quality content, including blog posts, in minutes.

8. DialoGPT: The Conversational AI Tool

DialoGPT is a conversational AI model developed by Microsoft that excels at multi-turn dialogue. The tool can help students complete writing assignments by generating responses that can be used in multi-person dialogue conversations. Using DialoGPT, you can create outlines for creative writing tasks, brainstorm ideas for essays, and even generate dialogue for fictional stories.

9. Socratic by Google: The Homework Helper App for Students

Socratic is a mobile app developed by Google that helps students complete homework assignments faster. The app uses AI to provide educational resources and information to help students answer questions from their assignments. Socratic also has a friendly interface with entertaining illustrations to aid in better comprehension.

10. StudyGPT: Your Academic AI Assistant

StudyGPT is one of the newest AI tools for students, and it leverages the technology behind ChatGPT to help with academic tasks. This AI tool offers educational support, including exam preparation, research assistance, and writing improvement. StudyGPT is specifically designed to assist students with their studies.

How to Choose the Right Alternative

man sitting on a desk - Student GPT

Define Your Needs: Discover What You Want 

Take some time to think about what academic tasks you need help with—writing assignments. Research? Exam prep? Each of these has radically different requirements. Writing an essay on Beowulf? You might want a tool to help you outline your paper and generate content. 

Researching the effects of climate change on arctic foxes? You’ll want a tool that can aid with literature reviews and academic research. Identifying your needs will help you find an AI tool to assist with your specific tasks rather than just a generic alternative to Student GPT. 

Evaluate Features and Capabilities: Compare the Tools

Once you have defined your needs, you can start researching alternatives to Student GPT. Look for AI tools that cater specifically to your requirements. For example, if you need help writing an essay, you can look for tools like Jasper Chat or Writer that offer content-generation capabilities. 

If you need help with research, look for tools like Consensus, Elicit, or Scite that specialize in academic research and literature review. Tools like Quick Recall or DialoGPT might be more suitable if you prefer interactive learning. 

Consider Pricing and Accessibility: Don’t Break the Bank

Artificial intelligence tools can be expensive. So, it’s essential to evaluate the cost of each tool to ensure it fits within your budget. Consider whether the tool offers a free version or requires a subscription. Free tools like Jotbot, OpenAI Playground, DialoGPT, and Research Rabbit can be cost-effective. Tools like Jasper Chat and ScholarAI may require a subscription but offer advanced features that might be worth the investment. 

Assess User-Friendliness and Interface: Avoid Frustration

Some AI tools have steep learning curves that make them frustrating. Choose a tool that has an intuitive interface and is easy to use. User-friendly tools like Socratic by Google and AskYourPDF are known for their user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible to many users. 

Check for Accuracy and Reliability: Avoid Misinformation 

One of the biggest concerns about using AI tools for academic assistance is that they make stuff up. Ensure the tool provides accurate and reliable information. Start by cross-checking information generated by the tool with reliable sources to ensure accuracy. Next, consider the tool's reputation and user reviews to gauge its reliability. Tools like Jotbot should be first in line. 

Look for Customization and Flexibility: Get What You Need

AI tools can be great for assisting with academic tasks, but they won’t always fit your needs right out of the box. Opt for tools that offer customization options to fit your specific needs. Advanced customization tools like Bloom and StudyGPT offer advanced customization options, making them more versatile. 

Check Integration Capabilities: Ensure Compatibility 

As you research alternatives to Student GPT, consider how well each tool will integrate with other tools and platforms you use. Some tools have robust integration capabilities that allow them to work smoothly with various educational platforms, enhancing their utility. For example, tools like Otter.ai and Quillbot integrate well with Google Docs, making them easy to incorporate into your existing workflow. 

Consider Community Support and Resources: Don’t Go It Alone

Some AI tools can be complicated. Look for tools with active communities and good customer support. These resources can be beneficial for users just starting. Tools like Julius AI and Research Rabbit have active communities and resources that can help quickly get you up and running. 

Review Ratings and User Feedback: Learn from Others 

Before selecting an alternative to Student GPT, check user reviews and ratings to understand the tool’s performance and user satisfaction. Trustpilot ratings can be particularly telling. Tools with high Trustpilot ratings, such as Jasper Chat and ScholarAI, indicate higher user satisfaction. 

Trial the Tool: Test Before You Invest 

Many AI tools offer free trials or free versions. Use these to test the tool before committing to a subscription. Try out tools like Jotbot to see how they fit your needs before deciding on a paid plan.

Why Jotbot is the Right Choice (Our Best Pick)

person picking other options - Student GPT

Comprehensive Note-Taking and Summarization

JotBot can transform lecture recordings into detailed, time-stamped notes that can be used to study or generate text. It can also create transcripts and descriptive notes in real time during lectures, meetings, or conversations. 

Advanced Writing Assistance

JotBot uses state-of-the-art machine learning and Language Style Matching (LSM) to analyze and recreate your writing style, tone, sentence structure, and preferences. It can generate detailed, structured outlines from your ideas and sources, making writing more efficient. 

Source Management and Citation

JotBot can read text, understand documents, and scrape websites for information to incorporate into its writing. It smoothly cites sources in any format (APA, MLA, Chicago) and formats references in your preferred style, creating a perfectly formatted bibliography for your paper. 

AI-Powered Summaries and Research

JotBot can summarize any YouTube video, providing concise, AI-generated notes in any language. It helps find and cite academic sources, making research more efficient. 

User-Friendly Interface and Customization

JotBot has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to take notes, outline, and write. It can also be customized to fit your specific writing style and needs. 

Real-Time Editing and Feedback

JotBot can jump in and continue writing where you left off, helping to overcome writer's block. It provides real-time editing and rewriting suggestions, ensuring your writing is polished and coherent. 

Integration with Various Sources

JotBot can handle various sources, including links, PDFs, text, and videos, smoothly integrating them into your writing. You can also quickly chat with JotBot within your document to receive help with research, writing, or editing. 

Trusted by a Large User Base

JotBot is trusted by over 500,000 users, indicating its reliability and effectiveness. 

Advanced Features for Efficiency

JotBot is designed to help you write and research 100 times faster by automating tasks like note-taking, outlining, and source citation. It simplifies the research process by finding and citing sources with just a few clicks.

Write Smarter With AI Writing Assistant — Start Writing for Free Today

Jotbot is your very own document assistant that makes homework less daunting. Jotbot’s AI note-taking, AI video summarizing, AI citation/source finder, and AI essay writer help students write better, faster, and smarter. For example, you can upload a video of your class lecture to Jotbot and get an organized summary of the information. 

You can also upload and organize your notes or write an essay based on the video summary or your class notes. Jotbot helps you start your homework and ease the stress of daunting assignments.

Start writing for free with Jotbot today — sign in with Google and get started in seconds.

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